Products and Services - Periodic publications

The GSSA Branches typically produce their own periodic publications, often for their own members, but sometimes more generally available. Where available, the publications can be downloaded via the branches' webpages.
You are welcome to become a member of the GSSA and subscribe to any of the publications below.
Please note, the publication of the newsletters on the website is in some cases delayed (e.g. for a year).BRANCH
 GSSA  Famelia  Quarterly Subscription only
 GSSA  GenZa Newsflash  Monthly Downloadable
 eGSSA  Genesis  Quarterly Subscription only
 Eastern Cape
Subscription only
 Tree Topics
 Natal Midlands
 Gnus Subscription only
 Northern Transvaal
 The Genealogist  Monthly Downloadable
 North West
 Famnea  Quarterly Downloadable
 Vaal Triangle  Storiewa  Annually Downloadable
 Western Cape  Newsletter  Monthly Downloadable
 Western Cape  Capensis  Quarterly Subscription only
 West Gauteng  The Digger  Monthly Downloadable