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PROJECT Church photos

Project leader Neels Coertsechurch photo project
The project is a joint project of GSSA in collaboration with SAGenealogie Discussion Group (SAGen).
Churches are often the most recognisable building in a town, often the pivot point around which the town developed and many of the genealogical events such as christenings, marriages and deaths are closely linked to churches.
The collection of church photographs, previously hosted on FOTKI, has been transferred to the new GSSA website and will be built up as a joint collection of both organisations.
With this project we not only strive to preserve part of our cultural heritage, but also part of our architectural heritage and its development over time. The more information we can amass in relation to each church or place of worship, the more valuable a source of reference this webpage can become.
The photographs have all been indexed and arranged alphabetically within provinces according to city / town / village / congregation / parish and denomination.
You are welcome to forward a photograph(s), for consideration. If you submit a photograph or information about a church or place of worship, obtained from another source like a book or website, please provide the name of such source(s).
For more information, please contact the project leader, Neels Coertse,  via email.
  • View the Church photo collections.
  • Submit your Church photos to be included in the albums (up to 10Mb via email).
  • Submit information (via email) to make special arragements (if larger than 10Mb).