2017 Branch Meetings and Outings

Written by Ferdie Van Wyk.

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Our first guest speaker for the year in January, was Gys Stroh Jnr who came to show us how simple it is to make movies using our smart phones!
With the download of two apps this is process is as easy as 1-2-3



April: GGSA NTVL - Dr. Nicol Stassen   

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Our outing started with a visit to the heritage library at the Voortrekker Monument: a must for every genealogist. The wonderful staff and volunteers  hand make research there a real pleasure. We then joined the NTvl Branch for their monthly meeting and special guest speaker, Dr Nicol Stassen on the “Dorsland Trek”. Click on the image. “Dr. Nicol Stassen het vanjaar GGSA se toekenning vir Uitmuntende Genealogie Publikasie vir sy boek Dorslandtrek 1874-1881 ontvang. ʼn Groot eer het ons tak te beurt geval deurdat die oorhandiging van die trofee tydens ʼn N.Tvl.-takbyeenkoms op 8 April plaasgevind het. Isabel Groesbeek, ʼn vorige visie-president van GGSA, het die oorhandiging namens GGSA se nasionale president, Simon du Plooy gedoen”. (With compliments NTVL Newsletter) 

May: Members' Workshop

A few of the more experienced members of our branch shared some of their own knowledge about their research methods and it turned out to be a wonderful day. Some of the topics and programmes covered: NAAIRS – How to navigate through the new National Archives and Records Service of South Africa
Family Search – How to locate estate files through the Catalogue / Probate files
eGGSA - Navigating the Gravestones in South Africa, how to order NAAIRS files online etc.
Government WebPortal - Johan Naudé showed us how to search for the old farm names.
Piet de Conning shared GenScriber. This very small but powerful program allows you to
transcribe old documents and texthttps://genscriber.soft112.com/download.html 
This day proved to be a huge success with many of us learning a new thing or two.

June: Johan Wolfaardt – Die bewaring van Erfstukke en Oudhede

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It was a privilege having Johan Wolfaardt of the Pretorius Museum in Potchefstroom come and share his wealth of knowledge about historical photography in South Africa.
Johan Wolfaardt, Senior Vakkundige Beampte, President Pretorius Museum. Voorheen werksaam by die Oorlogsmuseum in Bloemfontein, Voortrekker Monument en Krugerhuis. Click on the image to enlarge


July: Piet de Coning shares his research
Piet de Coning is one of our branch members and we called on him to share his research, resources and methods with us. These sessions are invaluable as we all get to see a new perspective through other people's research methodology.
“As beginner in die veld van Genealogie deel ek graag wat ek sovêr van my familie geleer het. Die de Conings is afkomstig van België. My belangstelling in Genealogie het so 'n paar jaar gelede begin en ek probeer om soveel moontlik van die de Coning familie te wete te kom. Ek deel graag wat ek het met die vertroue dat ek sodoende meer kan leer en die familieregister meer volledig kan maak. Die gereedskap en bronne wat ek gebruik sal ek ook noem en hoop dat wat ek te sê het 'n lekker lewendige bespreking tot gevolg sal hê.”

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August: Genealogy Symposium 12 August 2017
Our branch was one of the four branches involved in the symposium this year. Erna Buber-de Villiers' talk was titled “Formidable Women” and Germaine Smith was second session chairman for the day's events! A very successful day and we were proud that our branch was able to contribute to this wonderful event this year. Click on the omage.To read more click on the link below http://www.genza.org.za/index.php/af

December: Year End Function along the banks of the RiverWe had the pleasure of meeting and closing off our year under the trees along the banks of the Vaal River again this year.
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