North West Branch

Maraton vir McArthur

{module Eindpunt}

Potchefstromers en deelnemende atlete het Saterdag, 10 November 2012 tydens die Traumeel KK McArthur-gedenkmarathon  en -padwedloop 'n voorsmakie gekry van 'n marathon wat honderd jaar gelede in Stockholm, Swede gehou is. Hierdie moordende marathon is op 14 Julie 1912 deur die Iersgebore

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Potchefstromer,  Kennedy Kane McArthur in 'n rekordtyd van 2:36:54 gewen.
Die waterpunt voor die eertydse woning van McArthur in Kockstraat 102 te Potchefstroom is deur lede van  GGSA: Noordwestak, Erfenis Potchefstroom en die personeel van die Potchefstroomse Museum beman.   Geklee in periodedrag en met outydse musiek, gespeel op 'n Outentieke “His Masters Voice” grammafoon  in die agtergrond, het hulle die atlete luidkeels aangemoedig en met lemoenskyfies en koeldrank bederf. Nagenoeg  1000 atlete het aan die gedenkmarathon en padwedloop deelgeneem.  Onder hulle was Josiah Thugwane, die enigste ander Suid-Afrikaner wat sedertdien daarin kon slaag om 'n Olimpiese marathon te wen en Blanche Moila wat in die jare 70 en 80 die vroue-afdeling van padwedlope in Suid-Afrika oorheers het.  ‘n Afvaardiging van 6 Iere, waaronder 2 voormalige burgemeesters van Dervock was, het ook spesiaal na Potchefstroom gereis om deel  te wees van die herdenkingsgeleentheid.  Almal is dit

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eens dat die K.K.  McArthur -gedenkmarathon en -padwedloop  beslis ‘n jaarlikse instelling in Potchefstroom moet word.
Kennedy Kane McArthur is op 10 Februarie 1881 in Dervock, Noord-Ierland gebore.  Hy was die tweede van 5 kinders uit die huwelik van Robert  Jamieson McArthur en Mary Ann McArthur . Na sy skoolopleiding was hy 'n posman in Dervock en distrik. Met die uitbreek van die Anglo-Boereoorlog het McArthur by die South African Constabulary aangesluit. Laasgenoemde het in die eertydse Transvaal  diens gedoen.  As polisieman was hy gestasioneer by Lindequesdrift, Kraalkop en later in Potchefstroom.
In 1904 het McArthur  sy eerste wedloop tussen Klerksdorp en Potchefstroom (57 km) voltooi.  Gedurende sy atletiekloopbaan het hy aan 'n totaal van 6 marathons deelgeneem en almal gewen.  Ten spyte van sy prestasies is hy nie in 1908 vir die Springbokspan gekies, wat sou deelneem aan die Olimpiese Spele te  Londen  nie.  Die eer sou hom eers in 1912 te beurt val, toe hy en sy Springbok-spanmaat, Christopher Gitsham aan die Stockhölm-marathon deelgeneem het.  By die

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halfpadmerk was Gitsham eerste en McArthur derde.  Sowat 3.2 km van die eindstreep het Gitsham by ‘n fontein langs die pad gestop om water te drink. McArthur het aanhou hardloop en die wenstreep in ‘n rekordtyd van 2:36:54 oorgesteek.  Gitsham was tweede met 'n tyd van 2:37:52. Van die 69 atlete wat aan die wedloop deelgeneem het, het slegs 34 dit voltooi.
Met McArthur se terugkeer na Suid-Afrika het hy 'n besering opgedoen wat 'n einde van sy atletiek-loopbaan gemaak het.  Hy is in 1960.08.13 op die ouderdom van 79 jaar oorlede en in die Potchefstroomse Begraafplaas begrawe.
McArthur se Springbokbaadjie, die lourierkrans wat hy tydens Olimpiese Spele te Stockhölm ontvang het, sy atletieknommer (nr. 613) ,asook sy medaljes en trofeë kan in die Potchefstroomse Museum besigtig word.

  • Hits: 2374

Noordwestak - Tuisblad

Potch StadstaalDie Noordwestak is 'n dinamiese tak waar beide beginners, asook meer ervare genealoë tuis voel om hul passie vir familiegeskiedenis uit te leef en met mekaar te deel.
Die Tak is gesetel in Potchefstroom en bedien hoofsaaklik die Noordwes Provinsie.     Sedert die Tak se stigting op 6 Junie 2004 het die ledetal vanaf 12 tot meer as 60 gegroei.  Lede en belangstellendes kom maandeliks om 19:00, met die uitsondering van Januarie, Julie en Desember, by die Potchefstroomse Museum (hoek van Wolmaransstraat en Sol Plaatjielaan) byeen.
Die doel van die Tak is om sy lede in staat te stel om familienavorsing te doen.  Om hierdie rede word kundiges vanoor die land betrek om oor 'n wye verskeidenheid van onderwerpe van genealogiese belang te kom gesels.  Om nuwelinge touwys te maak in die gebruik van genealogiese bronne, word uitstappies na argiewe en die LDS-sentrum onderneem en beginnerkursusse aangebied. Taklede ontvang nie net nie, maar lewer ook 'n bydrae tot genealogie deur begraafplase te fotografeer en die data beskikbaar te stel.
Die Tak se biblioteek kon nie 'n meer geskikte tuiste vind as die Potchefstroomse Museum nie.  Hier word die Tak se versameling van meer as 150 familieregisters en ongeveer  5000 begrafnisbriewe gerugsteun deur die Museum se versameling van historiese dokumente, plaaslike koerante van so vroeg as 1905, ou foto's, kaarte en gepubliseerde bronne oor o.a. die Groot Trek en Anglo-Boereoorlog. Genealogiese Bronne: Potchefstroom Museum
Die Takbiblioteek in die Potchefstroomse Museum is weeksdae vanaf 9:00 tot 13:00 en vanaf 14:00 tot 16:30 oop.  Toegang is gratis. Die Takbiblioteek ontvang daagliks genealogiese navrae wat deur kundige museumpersoneellede en of taklede beantwoord word. Vir navrae en kommentaar, kontak ons op die "Kontak Ons" op ons gids aan die regterkand.
Die Tak se lekkerlees nuusbrief, die Famnea verskyn kwartaalliks (Februarie, Mei, Augustus en November).  In die nuusbrief kry lede die geleentheid om artikels oor hul familiegeskiedenisnavorsing en of interessante gebeure te skryf.  Artikels met 'n Noordwes-strekking kry voorkeur. Die jongste uitgawe van Famnea kan by hier afgelaai word:

  • Hits: 5222

Cemetery Project

ingangAfter much planning of and in spite of a lengthy preamble to a project of huge magnitude, seventeen members of the Northwest Province's GSSA acted on Santa's summons to convene at the Potchefstroom Cemetery on Saturday October 1, 2011. Distance proved no problem for members from Parys and Klerksdorp and project-enthusiast arrived at the Potchefstroom Cemetery at 8:30.  Everyone came prepared and in good spirit, armed with cameras, extra batteries, memory cards, brushes, chalk, buckets, cloths and of course lots of drinking water.  Since it is Potchefstroom, sun screen was applied in abundance and sun-hats worn from the get go.

A lot of planning went into the project and when discussions started on how the project should be approached, Peet Fourie took it upon himself to schematically plot the general lay-out of the cemetery.  Although not practiced anymore, the deceased were previously laid to rest in pre-ordained sections, according church affiliation.    Peet's graphical lay-out of the cemetery made it easy to allocate sections to the different teams.  Sections were photographed in an ordered and systematic fashion to ensure that all the gravestones were included. werkgroep

Pieter Potgieter was responsible for the valuable, yet extremely time-consuming task of photographing and digitally transcribing the Potchefstroom Cemetery Register.   According to Pieter, the register consists of four books arranged in chronological order:  Book 1 (1903 – 1954), Book 2 (1954 – 1983), Book 3 (1983 – 1999) and Book 4 (1999 to the present date).  His study of the register indicated that up until 1940 the register recorded only the date on which the diseased was laid to rest.  In the years following 1940, the date on which a person passed away was also included.  Pieter indicated that identity numbers were included in the register's recordings since 1980, making it possible to obtain date of birth for a diseased.  He does not want to speculate on the actual number of people laid to rest in the cemetery, but offer his digital transcriptions to researchers to draw their own conclusions.  Since it is of utmost importance to include all the graves, his work can be used as a baseline and checkpoint once the Potchefstroom Cemetery photographs are uploaded and cataloguing on the national cemetery database takes place. 

A few rookies got initiated into the ways of the province's GSSA, and although the surroundings were quite peaceful, many members felt relieved that it was a day-time project. aan die werk Those who visited loved-ones might have wondered about the “strange people in hats”, but members were not deterred in their duties.  Knowledge that epigraphy is used as a scientific method to conduct historical research and the value it has for genealogical research, spurred members on although moments of sadness were felt when photographing the graves of, for instance, babies or entire families that met violent death in accidents. 

For the photographers is was not a day of all work and no play, and although the day started quite cool, the temperature kept on rising as the day progressed and a formal break brought much relieve to tired feet and parched throats.  In true genealogical fashion, the ladies chose a spot near the entrance where a few “lang boompies” provided a little bit of shade, close to the final resting place of some of the sisters of St. Mary's.  The photograph shows the ladies relaxing and hospitably sharing in a picnic.


Work however started in earnest again soon and members chose new sections to photograph.  To ensure that members made most of the available time, full memory cards were downloaded on a central computer for processing at a later date.  Nothing could dampen the spirits of the team and Simon had to threaten members to compel them to stop. 

The day eventually ended with members jokingly speculating on who took the most photos and who “worked” the most.   It was a good day, not only project-wise, but for making friends and getting to know those who share similar interest, better.  More than 5 500 photos were taken and the project is definitely off to a flying start.  The members will re-convene again in April 2012 for phase 2 of the project.


  • Hits: 2813

Cemetery Project

ingangAfter much planning of and in spite of a lengthy preamble to a project of huge magnitude, seventeen members of the Northwest Province's GSSA acted on Santa's summons to convene at the Potchefstroom Cemetery on Saturday October 1, 2011. Distance proved no problem for members from Parys and Klerksdorp and project-enthusiast arrived at the Potchefstroom Cemetery at 8:30.  Everyone came prepared and in good spirit, armed with cameras, extra batteries, memory cards, brushes, chalk, buckets, cloths and of course lots of drinking water.  Since it is Potchefstroom, sun screen was applied in abundance and sun-hats worn from the get go.
A lot of planning went into the project and when discussions started on how the project should be approached, Peet Fourie took it upon himself to schematically plot the general lay-out of the cemetery.  Although not practiced anymore, the deceased were previously laid to rest in pre-ordained sections, according church affiliation.    Peet's graphical lay-out of the cemetery made it easy to allocate sections to the different teams.  Sections were photographed in an ordered and systematic fashion to ensure that all the gravestones were included.
werkgroepPieter Potgieter was responsible for the valuable, yet extremely time-consuming task of photographing and digitally transcribing the Potchefstroom Cemetery Register.   According to Pieter, the register consists of four books arranged in chronological order:  Book 1 (1903 – 1954), Book 2 (1954 – 1983), Book 3 (1983 – 1999) and Book 4 (1999 to the present date).  His study of the register indicated that up until 1940 the register recorded only the date on which the diseased was laid to rest.  In the years following 1940, the date on which a person passed away was also included.  Pieter indicated that identity numbers were included in the register's recordings since 1980, making it possible to obtain date of birth for a diseased.  He does not want to speculate on the actual number of people laid to rest in the cemetery, but offer his digital transcriptions to researchers to draw their own conclusions.  Since it is of utmost importance to include all the graves, his work can be used as a baseline and checkpoint once the Potchefstroom Cemetery photographs are uploaded and cataloguing on the national cemetery database takes place. 
A few rookies got initiaaan die werkted into the ways of the province's GSSA, and although the surroundings were quite peaceful, many members felt relieved that it was a day-time project.  Those who visited loved-ones might have wondered about the “strange people in hats”, but members were not deterred in their duties.  Knowledge that epigraphy is used as a scientific method to conduct historical research and the value it has for genealogical research, spurred members on although moments of sadness were felt when photographing the graves of for instance babies or entire families that met violent death in accidents. 
BlaaskansFor the photographers is was not a day of all work and no play, and although the day started quite cool, the temperature kept on rising as the day progressed and a formal break brought much relieve to tired feet and parched throats.  In true genealogical fashion, the ladies chose a spot near the entrance where a few “lang boompies” provided a little bit of shade, close to the final resting place of some of the sisters of St. Mary's.  The photograph shows the ladies relaxing and hospitably sharing in a picnic.
Work however started in earnest again soon and members chose new sections to photograph.  To ensure that members made most of the available time, full memory cards were downloaded on a central computer for processing at a later date.  Nothing could dampen the spirits of the team and Simon had to threaten members to compel them to stop. 
The day eventually ended with members jokingly speculating on who took the most photos and who “worked” the most.   It was a good day, not only project-wise, but for making friends and getting to know those who share similar interest, better.  More than 5 500 photos were taken and the project is definitely off to a flying start.  The members will re-convene again in April 2012 for phase 2 of the project. 
  • Hits: 5981