Welcome to the Genealogical Society of South Africa.

The Familia / Best Article 2019

1e Familia BuitebladThe Familia is the Quarterly Journal of the Genealogical Society of South Africa. On the photo above, the first cover of the Familia published during 1965/66 can be seen. The Northern Transvaal Branch of the GSSA has since the early 2000 presented a yearly prize, available for the best article published during a particular year.
The criteria by which such an article must comply includes the following: 
  • Does the article deliver a significant contribution to Genealogy; is it new information?
  • Is the article professionally set up with good source references etc.?
  • Does it read easily; is the presentation interesting; engaging and a good balance between readability and academic correctness maintained?
The Panel's Comment: It's a good, well laid out article that reads well and is abundantly illustrated with photos and which contains new information about the family. The author's references refer to bibliographic requirements and the genealogical notations which is required by Familia. In addition to meeting all the criteria as required, it is one of the few articles that provide sources as far as criteria is concerned, research, namely, that genealogists can follow it up and check.
In 2019 the best article in Familia was awarded to Wilhelm Bernhardt for his article:   'n EKONOMIESE RAAMWERK VIR GENEALOGIESE NAVORSING
Een van die beoordelaars het die volgende te gehad: Die outeur slaag goed daarin om moderne navorsingspraktyke, nl genealogiese en historiese navorsing te gebruik deur die opstel van ‘n ekonomiese raamwerk en ‘n nuwe manier om ‘n geïntegreerde prentjie te veskaf van hoe jou voorouers geleef het. So ‘n benadering kan dan deel vorm van suiwer genealogie as deel van ‘n meer holistiese benadering. Die artikel dien as uitstekende voorbeeld vir ander genealoë hoe om soortgelyke navorsing aan te pak, is iets besonders en lees lekker. Tegnies, is dit egter nie ‘n suiwer genealogiese artikel nie maar die oorspronklikheid van die aanslag, maak dit dit nie vir my ‘n groot problem nie. Click here to download the article
 This is what you can expect to inspire you when you start your journey into the exciting world of Family Research.
  • Hits: 8467

Hoe doen ek aanskoek

boertjie drink tee   
Ledegeld vir die Genealogiese Genootskap van Suid-Afrika (GSSA) 
kan óf R340,00 óf (in die buiteland R570) óf R230,00 wees.
Dit is gebaseer op of u die kwartaallikse Tydskrif van die Genootskap,
Familia, per pos of elektronies wil ontvang.
Dit sluit ook die takfooie in. Wanneer jy besluit om by jou aan te sluit,
sal dit aan 'n bepaalde tak toegeken word, bv.
Johannesburgse tak, Vaaldriehoektak, Wes-Kaapse tak, ens.
Daar is 12 grondgebaseerde takke en 1 Cyber-tak,
die eGSSA genoem. Dit is 'n webgebaseerde tak. Die verskillende takke van die GSSA hef in sommige gevalle 'n
addisionele verpligte fooi vir die nuusbrief van die tak,
dit verskil van tak tot tak. 'n Afskrif van die aansoekvorm kan hier af gelaai word -
Aansoek 2019 Daar is twee opsies om van te kies indien u 'n lid van die
GSSA wil word 1) Besluit op die tak wat u graag wil aansluit deur die
Takke-tab op hierdie webwerf te kies, kies die tak van u keuse
en kies die kieslys "kontak ons". Deur die naam van die
betrokke voorsitter te klik, sal u 'n vorm invul wat u kan voltooi. 2) Jy kan by die eGSSA tak aansluit. Besoek hierdie bladsy:
http://www.eggsa.org/sales/eshop_e_dc_membership.htm en volg
die instruksies. Die lidmaatskapsfooi van die eGSSA bestaan ​​
uit drie elemente, naamlik lidmaatskap van die GGSA;
lidmaatskap van die eGSSA en opsionele lid van 'n landgebaseerde tak. Indien u enige navrae het, kontak asseblief 'n komiteelid van die tak van u keuse
  • Hits: 9305

Become a member of the GSSA

New tree
The Genealogical Society of South Africa (GSSA) that was established in 1964 has twelve branches of which eleven are land based and one which is an electronic branch catering for members worldwide, via the internet. Each branch arranges its own activities and meets all year round apart from December and January. More information can be gleaned by visiting the branch pages of www.genza.org.za. Members  become close friends and are more than happy to assist newcomers with their research. Many a dead end has been resolved by discussing the issue with a fellow genealogist.
We promote and facilitate:-
Interest & research in Genealogy and Family history to present members, to the genealogical hobbyist & to all members of the public who may be interested in genealogy and/or family history.
We promote general understanding of Genealogy and its value
We provide:
- A wide range of educational courses
- Each branch has a unique library
- A vast list of product for sale
- Research programmes and services for the general benefit of GSSA branches and members
- We encourage and develop links with Family History Societies & the National Archives
Each branch arranges it’s own program for the year and often includes:
Guest Speakers - Outings to history societies i.e. Family Search & the National Archives
Training on the various platforms - Even assisting in product development
We look forward to welcoming you to our family. Join today and discover your past!
Membership fees for the Genealogical Society of South Africa (GSSA) are laid out as follows:
Membership fees mean you belong to the GSSA National AND a home branch and you receive the quarterly publication Familia depending on your option choice:
Option 1 - Familia in electronic format only Fee R240
Option 2 - Familia in Hard copy Fee R350 (RSA only)
Option 3 - Familia in Hard copy Fee R890 (Abroad)
These fees excludes the branch fees. When you decide to join you will be allocated to a particular branch e.g. Johannesburg Branch, Vaal Triangle Branch, Western Cape Branch, etc. There are 12 land based  branches and 1 Cyber branch called the eGSSA- this is a web based branch.
The various branches of the GSSA in some instances levy an additional mandatory fee for the newsletter of the branch, this differs from branch to branch.
Download a copy of the 2022 membership application form, all the relevant information you require is on this form.
There aretwo options to choose from should you wish to become a member of the GSSA
Download the relevant Application form above, decide on the branch that you would like to join and pay the applicable fees. Send your completed from  to the address on the form and you will be notified via email of your membership. 
eGSSA is the virtual or online branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa, intended for those who are unable or do not wish to belong to one of the land based branches of the GSSA. In order to be a member of eGSSA it is necessary to join or already be a member of the former organisation. To learn more about joining the eGGSA visit their website by clicking here
Should you have any queries kindly contact us here .
  • Hits: 23102

Ons Doelwitte

  • Om belangstelling en navorsing in genealogie en familiegeskiedenis te bevorder onder lede, amateur-genealoë en almal wat belangstel in genealogie en/of familiegeskiedenis. 
  • Om algemene begrip van Genealogie en die waarde daarvan te bevorder, om begrip te hê vir die professionele status en waardigheid van genealoë tussen lede van die Genealogiese Genootskap van Suid-Afrika en die algemene publiek, en ook om dit te onderhou.
  • Om die hoogste navorsingstandaarde deur lede van die Genootskap te bevorder.
  • Die verskaffing van 'n wye reeks opvoedkundige kursusse, navorsingsprogramme en dienste tot die algemene voordeel van GGSA-takke en -lede, asook enige ander dienste en ondersteuning, soos van tyd tot tyd besluit word deur die Nasionale Raad van die GGSA.
  • Die aanmoediging en ontwikkeling van bande met Familiegeskiedenisverenigings.
  • Die vestiging en onderhouding van kontak met soortgelyke Genootskappe oor die wêreld.
  • Die vestiging van 'n sertifiseringsprogram om die betroubaarheid, professionaliteit en integriteit van alle Suid-Afrikaanse genealoë en rekordnavorsers te bevorder.
  • Om behulpsaam te wees met die bewaring van alle genealogiese bronne en memorabilia.
  • Hits: 22415